Saturday 11 February 2012

What....about the Jews?

The Jews have existed since very ancient times. By 1000 B.C, they founded a national state, Israel and have been developing their own customs, culture and an ethical system which differentiate them from others. Jews have their own religion known as Judaism. It was the first religion based on monotheism, the belief in one god.

   Long time ago, the ancient Jews were both conquerors and the conquered. They survive through centuries of persecution, massacres, and their dispersion amongst all of the world’s nations. They are smart enough to fit in and adopted other cultures and folkways, but still held onto their religion and culture. If you ask me about them, I will say that they are sort of hypocrite. They are adapting with our customs and culture so that they can learn about us and then think of a strategy to influence us later. For example, let think of a situation whereby you are guilty of a crime but people won’t be able to suspect you. Why??

It is because you are displaying good image of yourself to them. You mingled well with people around you however, the truth is not.  You are actually hate them and are only mingled with them to avoid their suspicion towards you. And that is called hypocrite.

   Same goes with the Jews; they are hypocrite but actually kind of a genius. They are being hypocrite to protect themselves and their religion against others. They learn from the people around them and their surrounding, so that they will be able to mingle in the society. During the World War 2, millions of the Jews have been killed by the Nazi. At that time, only a few of them survived. They survived because of their hypocrisy and up until now, we can see that the Jews are everywhere in this world. They have been surviving across the centuries to keep their customs and religion alive.

Honestly, as a Muslim, I also have a bad perception towards them but as a human, we have no right for condemning them. They are also normal human beings that have the same right as we are to live with their own way.

Hitler's revenge

If you ask everyone about Adolf Hitler, I am sure that the answer would probably be…“oh, yes! The one that is cold-hearted, a very cruel man”. That will be the thing that would split from our mouth if we are talking about Adolf Hitler. He is the one man that is known for his cruel dictator leadership during the World War 2. He has caused the murder of millions people and also being referred as one of the cruelest man in the world.

    Adolf Hitler was born on 20th April, 1889, in the small Austrian town of Braunau near the German border. Both Hitler's parents had come from poor peasant families. His father, Alois was an illegitimate. Hitler was never proud of his family; the only person that he is closed with was her mother, Klara Poelzl, whose death in December 1908 was a shattering blow to the adolescent Hitler. 

    That is about Hitler that we all know, the question now is about his hatred towards the Jews. Why did he have to kill millions of Jews during his reign? Is it reasonable to kill that many people? And what has happened back then, that could cause such hatred inside of him? I was wondering about it so, I did some research and here is the information that I’ve got.

    In 1908, he started to develop hatred towards the Jews after a Jewish doctor, Eduard Bloch, unsuccessfully treated his mother who was stricken with breast cancer and died. Also, when he cleared the snow-bound paths of beautiful town houses in Vienna where rich people lived, he saw that only the Jews lived in these homes. By 1910, his mind had become warped and his hatred of the Jews, known anti-Semitism had become set. He hates them even more when the Germany is defeated in World War 1. Hitler blamed the Jews for the collapsed of the monarchy and the ruination of millions.

    In my opinions, all these reasons are quite unreasonable for killing millions of innocent people. His hatred started with his own personal assumption towards the Jews. Even though, he has experienced bad incidents caused by some of the Jews, he can’t simply assume that all the Jews are the same. The moment he started to hate the Jews was after the death of his mother, whom a person that he loves so much. Witnesses say that he spent hours, just staring at her dead body and drawing of it as she lay on her death bed. To make it worse is the coincidence in which the doctor that treated his mother is a Jew. Therefore, it sounds more like a personal revenge after all. What say you?

The Pianist

    The pianist is the story of a brilliant pianist, a polish Jew, witnesses the restrictions Nazi’s place on Jews in the polish capital, from restricted access to the building of Warsaw Ghetto. This story is based on true story of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a pianist who survives through the Nazi’s reign. This story displays the cruelty of the Nazi towards the Jews. It touches us through our emotion with the appalling incidents that has been displayed. I think that this story is realistic enough to let us know and feel the exact condition of the Jews during that time. There's a certain amount of randomness to the events that is not comforting but that is the truth. 

**The pianist is nominated for six Academy Awards including Best Picture, The Pianist went on to win three Oscars, including Best Director (Roman Polanski), Best Actor (Adrien Brody), and Best Adapted Screenplay (Ronald Harwood). The film also won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. 

Assalamualaikum :)

Nur Izzati bt Nordin is...
1.  going to be 20 yrs old on Dec 05.
2.  I am a little clumsy
3.  I have two sisters and two brothers
4.  7 is my favourite number,(there is no reason,I just like it)
5.  I love travelling
6.  I am fascinated by foods
7.  There are only a few select people who I will fart in front of. Aren’t they lucky? ;-) hehe
8.  Enjoy watching CSI series,(but NY only)
9.  Chocolates is irresistible to me,(without nuts,raisin,etc.)
10. Even though I'm awake, I will still be curling up on my bed until I'm ready to get up!yeah!

P/s: I hope you all enjoyed learning a little bit more about me