Saturday 14 April 2012


Have you ever wonder if both facebook and twitter have a battle of popularity, which one would have won? Or which one is better? Also maybe which one should you used?  Currently, both Facebook and twitter are the most popular social networks using every day by millions of people around the world.

   Facebook appeals to people looking to reconnect with old friends and family members or find new friends online. The mash up of features like email, instant messaging, image and video sharing do feels familiar, while Twitter is a bit harder to get your arms around at first. Facebook is a social networking Portal that enable people to communicate within the network. Twitter on the other hand, encourages you grab ideals in byte-size chunks and use your updates as jumping off points to other places or just let others know what you’re up to at any given moment.
   There are reasons why people like these two and I can say that these both social networking are comfortable in their own comfort zone. The Facebook users prefer the social portal model versus having to log into Yahoo Messenger, Gmail, Hotmail, Flickr, YouTube, MySpace, and others. Facebook gives them a single alternative to all these applications, with one login and interface to manage their online social interaction needs. This largely explains the explosive growth Facebook continues to experience.
   As for twitter, the usefulness of it is not readily as obvious to some people as Facebook. Twitter encourages constant “linking out” to anywhere and, in that respect, is more analogous to a pure search engine and another way to find people and content all over the Net.When asked why they love Twitter, users say like “I can ask a question and get an instantaneous response”. They crave the ability to “tap into the collective consciousness” of others on the network, bouncing ideas off others with whom they would otherwise have no means of connecting.

In the end, both Twitter and Facebook are simply communication tools; both will continue to evolve and morph as users find new ways to extract value and either network may or may become a long term winner in the rapidly evolving social networking space. But, will either Twitter or Facebook become the next Google or will they fade into the rear view mirror of technological and social revolution? What do you think?

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